Saturday, February 15, 2014

Post #1: About Us

Welcome to our eco-friendly blog "The Eco Spot". In this site, nature lovers and fellow young scientists can journey with us and relive our experience during the January 2014, Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) and Pawikan Conservation Center. Travel with us as we set free pawikan hatchlings, learn about the lives of pawikan and explore the amazing and wonderful Bataan Nuclear Power Plant. We hope that at the end of each post, you will learn something new and appreciate nature even more. Stay tuned and watch out for our next posts and join us in The Eco Spot as we venture through the wonders of science and nature.

Who are we?

Beauty - Writer:
Loves to write poems and stories. She has a best friend and really loves reading different types of books. "I believe that all living things have feelings and must be given a chance to live."

Browser - Editor:
Hello. Itsa me: the Browser!!! I'm a 6th Grader and I play a lot of video games. I love Math and Science. "I found the Princess!"

Master Sensei - Photographer:
I am 13 years old. I am slender, tall, and have been wearing glasses since first grade. I like playing basketball, ping-pong as well as listening to music and watching TV. I read books that fascinate me like Calvin and Hobbes. "Gotta love the food."

OliveRidleyQueen - Blog Developer:
I am tall and lanky, love Science, am a comic geek, and into sci-fi movies. Some say I am obssesive compulsive (OC) because I have the urge to organize the world around me. So what if I like to have my own knocking pattern or if I (am forced to) correct people's grammar?  Passionate for computations and formulas but my social skills aren't exactly the greatest. But... "My brain is better than EVERYBODY'S!".  BAZINGA!

1 comment:

  1. Hello there Eco Spot! Here is your score for your very first blog entry:

    Content - 12/15
    Coherence - 5/5
    Creativity - 4/5
    Voice - 5/5
    Mechanics - 4/5
    Text Layout - 5/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 1/5
    Intellectual Honesty - 5/5

    TOTAL: 41/50

    Your blog is very refreshing to the eyes because of the color that you've used; it's easy to read. It is very simple but the simplicity doesn't express your creativity. However, my eyes are very keen to text formatting. Before posting your entry, please proof read your work well. You committed some word spacing problems. You also do not have a title for your entry. Please correct these ASAP. You can also make your post lively by adding images to it. 'Til your next post!
