Thursday, February 27, 2014

Post #3: More Pawikan on the run!

      Thanks for staying tuned to our posts, we are now in our 3rd post right here on The Eco Spot.

      Have you ever stopped and wondered about why marine turtles are so important? 
Well, marine turtles are important because they help balance our ecosystem. Without them, the symbiotic relationships in nature would be destroyed.  Aside from that, we have beautiful creatures to admire and perhaps, even play with. There is one problem, however: marine turtles are highly affected by global warming.

      But just what is global warming?
 According to our research, global warming refers to "an increase in the Earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in greenhouse gases resulting especially from pollution."

      Global warming affect the marine turtles since it causes an increase in temperature. Somehow, in high temperatures, more pawikan hatchlings are male. In low temperatures, there are more female pawikan hatchlings. If there are more of one pawikan gender than the other then it will affect the number of pawikan and pawikan offsprings in the future.

      Even as students, we can help in conserving the pawikan. We can start by praying for the pawikan and their safety.  Infroming others that eating pwaikan and keeping them as pets and away from their families is illegal. We should also avoid buying pawikan shells. Keeping the oceans clean from any trash is also helpful step to pawikan conservation. Lastly, we can help conserve pawikan by joining coastal clean-up activities.  As we had experienced during our field trip, this activity is lots of fun!


      Well, that ends our third post, we hope you continue to read and comment on our following posts. Until the next one!!


  1. Information sources:
    Merriam-Webster Dictionary

    Picture sources:

  2. Hello Eco Spot group et. al.,
    The evaluation for your post # 3 which is entitled, "More Pawikan on the run" are the following:

    Content - 8/10
    Coherence - 5/5
    Creativity - 5/5
    Voice - 4/5
    Mechanics - 5/5
    Text Layout - 5/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 4/5
    Intellectual Honesty - 3/5

    TOTAL: 39/45

    Other Comments:
    Strong Points:
    - Attention getting introduction
    - Essential pictures
    - Short but meaningful post
    Weak Points:
    - I saw typographical errors like "infroming" and "pwaikan"
    - Research more about marine turtles. In high temperature, there are more FEMALE marine turtles reproduced and vice versa
    - Please put more content, the more the better!

    Sincerely, LEAP League (Lauan Group 3)
    c/o PlausibleRorshcachII

    P.S. I was really moved with that awesome intro. keep up the good work!

  3. Here is your score:

    Content - 9/10
    Coherence - 5/5
    Creativity - 4/5
    Voice - 5/5
    Mechanics - 4/5
    Text Layout - 5/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 3/5
    Intellectual Honesty - 4/5
    Comments - 9/10
    Peer - 39/45

    TOTAL: 87/100

    Your post is very informative. However, there were some technical glitches. For example, you committed some typo errors, pictures are oversized, and references should be included in the main post and not in the comments section. Learn to hyperlink!

    And please check your facts. According to this site (, hotter temperatures produce more female hatchlings.

    You did not include the total of your evaluation for LEAP League.
