Farewell to you my dear Eco-spotters. (sniff) Yes, we are afraid this is our last post. Unfortunately, it is time to hibernate... maybe FOREVER! Just kidding, of course The Eco Spot will always be there to help you naturally. Let's jump into a T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time And Relative Dimension In Space) and go back to the past - to the day we met our mission: "Go teach and save Mother Earth." Well, something like that. Actually, this blog is actually our C.E.O. or what you would call a "project" in other galaxies. Uh, we meant schools. Of course the word "project" doesn't sound as creative and exciting so our teachers decided to call it C.E.O. (Creative Expansive Output) to make our projects exciting. Wait... what am I saying right now? ALL RIGHT, BACK TO THE TOPIC!
Information about our fieldtrip to BNPP and PCC was what we were assigned to turn into a blog. We prepared for this C.E.O. by taking down notes and listening attentively to the lectures during the fieldtrip. Of course, like every task or project, we sometimes encounter problems. For example, we had a few (several) typos that we needed to editt (like that one, hahaha) and so on. Even so, we were able to get through these problems or like what the pawikan would say, "Find our way to the ocean"... (not a real quote), by helping each other to improve the blog with the help of our editor and the comments and feedback we got. There were also challeneges in communication, especially when we were already at home. Thank goodness for Facebook, Viber and email! Oh, and our posts wouldn't be as interesting without the memes, diagrams and (for this post) gifs. Hooray for the internet!
Preparation was a lot about checking T. Ryan's blog constantly for requirements and imposing deadlines among us members so we can meet the ultimate (whew!) deadline for each post. Research for the requirements is also part of the preparation, as well as taking photos during the field trip itself. To sum it all up, collaboration and cooperation were key ingredients as we prepared for the posts each time.
Preparation was a lot about checking T. Ryan's blog constantly for requirements and imposing deadlines among us members so we can meet the ultimate (whew!) deadline for each post. Research for the requirements is also part of the preparation, as well as taking photos during the field trip itself. To sum it all up, collaboration and cooperation were key ingredients as we prepared for the posts each time.
So, the last question we will answer is...
The Million Dollar Question: If you were given the chance to re-do this C.E.O., would you still grab that chance?
The Priceless Answer: Yes, Yes, YES!! If we were given the chance to re-do this blogging project, we will gladly take the chance and start again ("and now we're starting over again!"). why? We have learned more about each other and this blog has helped us express ourselves better, and respect nature more. It is also important to mention that we got to know ourselves more, because we were able to test our limits, what with the numerous times we had to complete a post by a certain deadline. Who would have known we could do so much even when we were not together (physically, we mean).
In our opinion, what we could improve with this C.E.O. is really the communication - earlier and more complete guidelies among the members should be done. The blog developer would then have more time to work on the blog, and not have to resort to last-minute (literally!) improvements! All in all, though, all's well that ends well!
In our opinion, what we could improve with this C.E.O. is really the communication - earlier and more complete guidelies among the members should be done. The blog developer would then have more time to work on the blog, and not have to resort to last-minute (literally!) improvements! All in all, though, all's well that ends well!
Again, thank you guys for going to our blog for this gave us a...
BLOGGING LESSON: The most important lesson we learned is that it takes 2 (or in our case 4) to tango (or Conga line). Teamwork is essential in success and we all need to do our fair share of tasks given to us. Another lesson we learned is.... (almost) "Everything is Awesome! Everything is cool when you're part of a team." (from "The Lego Movie"). And of course, always trust in God.

Our (not really) last farewell: So, dear Eco-Spotters, this is another blog well done (we hope). So long, good bye. We hope you join us again next time as we meet the spot, The Eco Spot.

"Who would have known we could do so much even when we were not together."
ReplyDeleteEXACTLY! I'm really happy that this came from you. This is the main reason why this project was made. *sniff*
Here is your FINAL blog post score:
Content - 13/15
Coherence - 5/5
Creativity - 5/5
Voice - 5/5
Mechanics - 4/5
Text Layout - 4/5
Graphics & Multimedia - 5/5
Intellectual Honesty - 5/5
TOTAL: 46/50
Check your e-mail! GO NOW!!!